About Us

Our Story

Learning promotes creativity, creativity inspires thought, which fosters knowledge and Knowledge makes you great.

This inspiration served as the basis for the founding of our training and consultancy business, DeltaMinds. We understand that professional development programs can assist in overcoming current challenges in a variety of industries. Hence, we are here to help others all around us in order to create a fantastic organization and foster personal development.

We're working to improve industries' human capabilities by offering top-notch training programs and consulting services. Highly specialized in competency dentification, development, assessment for both technical and non-technical positions for all types of industries.

Our team bring their hands on experience to enhance customer satisfaction

About US

Our Vision

Educate, and inspire people to reach their professional goals; and achieve their targets.

Our Mission

Increase industry efficiency by problem-solving through best-in-class training and consultancy services.

Message from CEO

Welcome to DeltaMinds, where we empower individuals and organizations to reach their full potential. With our tailored programs and expert consulting, we drive growth and success. Join us on this transformative journey and unlock new opportunities for excellence. Together, let's shape a brighter future.


Aniket Shewate
Founder & CEO